I'm starting this blog as a way of resistance. My generation has grown up with little to no government participation. We seem to accept anything that the government does without any reistance. Why do we accept the laws that we do not believe in? Isn't this supposed to be a democracy? Demos=people krata=rule. We do not rule. I'm not really sure who does rule our country. The government would have us believe that George Bush does, but there is no way he is smart enough to input any original ideas into this regime. I'd like to think of it as an axis of evil with Cheaney, Rumsfeld, and Condoleeza rock paper scissoring for their agendas to be passed. But I doubt they even have that much control. It doesn't matter anyway, I do know that we, the people, have no control. We do not rule. Most of us don't vote and the ones that do have their votes counted and then other government officals vote for them. And they don't even necessarily get it right...BUSH LOST THE VOTE. HE RECEIVED LESS VOTES THAN GORE. Why is he our president? What happened to deomocracy? We, the people, voted for Gore, we got 8 years of Bush. I know there have to be millions of Americans who feel the same way. We don't have to live this way, our government is sposed to be formed by us, not us formed by our government. This is only one post on one blog, but if enough people want change, demand change. Change will come. Welcome to the revolution,
I'm starting this blog as a way of resistance. My generation has grown up with little to no government participation. We seem to accept anything that the government does without any reistance. Why do we accept the laws that we do not believe in? Isn't this supposed to be a democracy? Demos=people krata=rule. We do not rule. I'm not really sure who does rule our country. The government would have us believe that George Bush does, but there is no way he is smart enough to input any original ideas into this regime. I'd like to think of it as an axis of evil with Cheaney, Rumsfeld, and Condoleeza rock paper scissoring for their agendas to be passed. But I doubt they even have that much control. It doesn't matter anyway, I do know that we, the people, have no control. We do not rule. Most of us don't vote and the ones that do have their votes counted and then other government officals vote for them. And they don't even necessarily get it right...BUSH LOST THE VOTE. HE RECEIVED LESS VOTES THAN GORE. Why is he our president? What happened to deomocracy? We, the people, voted for Gore, we got 8 years of Bush. I know there have to be millions of Americans who feel the same way. We don't have to live this way, our government is sposed to be formed by us, not us formed by our government. This is only one post on one blog, but if enough people want change, demand change. Change will come. Welcome to the revolution,
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