Monday, November 20, 2006

Richard Dreyfuss for President.

Did anyone happen to see him on Bill Maher? This man seems to have more sense about our government than the entire Bush regime. Probably more than anyone in Washington. What happened to electing people we believe in and support? I guess I don't remember it, but I'm sure it happened back in the day. I guess Clinton had believers and supporters, but a lot of people just didn't want Bob dole running our country. Dreyfuss is studying civics at some fancypants university. Civics is the insturction on how to run a democracy. This includes public debate, and participation. Recently our mass population has just seceeded into our own lives and tried not to worry about the government. Dreyfuss points to the 9/11 attacks as the main reason our population has pussified. Either way I want a leader I can be proud of, I want to be impressed by someone and say ya, you've got good ideas, why don't you represent me. Again I have to assume these words will be lost forever into cyberspace, here waiting for anyone to read them and think. However, since I am not famous or even well known on the internet no one reads this blog and I waist the finger motions everytime I spout my opinion.

I hate so much about who we are


Anonymous Anonymous said...

grow a sack and stop being worthless and maybe somebody will read this,

2:19 PM  
Blogger TLindaman said...

Interesting choice for a Presidential candidate. I've always found Dreyfuss to be a bit on the flaky side, given some of the things he's said about the President and 9/11. Ditto Martin Sheen and most of the Hollyweird folks.

But there are some actors I'd like to see as President. One of them is Gary Sinise. Just listening to him in interviews talking about what he's doing for the troops and how he does it in such an apolitical way is a treat. He's someone who gets it. This war transcends politics, and the men and women fighting for us are worth supporting even if we disagree with the reason they're fighting.

Another guy I'd love to see as President would be George Clooney. I disagree with much of his politics, but I get the sense that he doesn't let the trappings of success go to his head. We have far too many politicians who do just that, and Clooney would be a breath of fresh air. It would be like "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" for real.

4:10 AM  

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