Monday, December 18, 2006

I would rather stand up for what I believe in, fight for it, and die

than lay down while something I believe is wrong occurs, and live.

Patrick Henry said, "give me liberty or give me death." I've known that quote since 3rd grade, but never understood it until last night.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This blog may be coming to an end. I started this blog as a way of resistance. I reached maybe 1 new person. I posted on many random people's blogs in hope of getting a response back. My friends and family were the only ones to post back. And Nathan P. didn't contribute anything meaningful to this blog. I would like to thank everyone for your contributions, even if it was just one comment. Even if it had nothing to do with politics, maybe you read something here that you will think about again one day. Maybe not. So what have I learned during this project? My raw feelings are this:

Fuck blogs, they don't matter. Unless you're already famous why would anyone care what you have to say? It's like listening to people's dreams. Or looking at people's vactaion photos. For some reason we all seem to think we are more interesting than we actually are.

There are exceptions to this, I read about a girl who blogged secretly from a muslim-women-oppressing country where she wasn't allowed to do much of anything. Her blog was her escape and her window to a brighter world.

But in conclusion, blogs to me are like virtual resistance. I am not protesting or affecting anyone in the physical sense, I am just sitting at my computer bitching about the way things are without trying to actually change them. I think that is the problem with our entire society, we have grown up being taught to go along with authority. Why isn't there a huge peace/hippie movement for this war? Because our lives are to detatched now. We can distract ourselves from real problems with cable, Xbox 360, internet porn, or countless other activities that we can do without getting involved. Our government does not fear blogs, blogs keep us at home and silent, our government should fear a revolution, our government should fear their citizens in the street mad as hell and ready to change by any means necessary. But sadly, I wonder if this will ever happen. Why do muslims burn flags over a cartoon, but we won't even protest in the streets over Katrina, the government lies, Iraq, social security?

is there any passion left in the hearts of the American people? Is there any warrior blood still pumping through our veins? Why do we accept that which we do not agree with?

Monday, December 04, 2006

To all my babies:

Ok, what's up Boneyard and Hardcore. I just want to give back to my faithful following. And since no one wants to debate any real issues, i'm gonna have to call you out personally.

Hey Hardcore, what's up with your walking style? You walk around on two legs like you own the fuckin' world, well you don't. You own a car and a dog and a solid vinyl collection, so maybe start walking around like you own a car and a dog and a solid vinyl collection and not the fuckin' world son. The world is too big to be owned by anyone. And if it was, we would all be that person's slaves cuz he would own everything, so think about that next time you start in with your "world is mine" walk, its not yours, its all of ours.

Hey Boneyard, what's up with your car? I see you driving around like you own the fuckin' road, well you don't. You own your clothes and I'm not sure if you own your car or if you're still leasing it. You should start driving like it. The road is owned by the public, we all paid for it with our taxes, it wasn't just you paying for it. Cuz roads are expensive and unless you sell your clothes, you will never own a road, so don't drive like it kin.

Hey World, how much?

Hey Roads, I don't want to own you, cuz then I would have to clean you and maintain you, and I don't have time, ask Boneyard if he wants to buy you, cuz he sure acts like it