Monday, January 01, 2007

College athletes are punished severely for taking any money, gifts, from a booster, agent, or pretty much anybody besides their mommy. Why then is it allowed for bowl sponsors to put together gift packages worth hundreds or thousands of dollars for the players participating in these bowls? And why are bowl games sponsored at all? Who receives all that money from the sposnor? The schools? The NCAA? I know the schools make bank from these huge sponsored bowls, but don't they get enough from all the other games and tuition? And if the NCAA receives a nice check from Tostitos then where does that money go? There is a question that goes largely unaddressed, who directly benefits from these corporate sponsors? Not the student athlete, not the educational process. How do you tell Troy Smith not to accept a $500 handshake, but watch the school accept a $2 million check from Tostitos? I just don't understand that if the NCAA is looking out first and foremost for the student athlete, then why are the NCAA football games sponsored? It seems a bit hypocritical. But you know I'm eating Tostito's salsa during the National Championship presented by Tostitos.


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