And some will say, "grow a sack and stop being worthless and maybe somebody will read this"
To my critic...What is defined as a sack grown? As far as the anatomical sense, yes I have scrotum that contains my testes. The metaphorical sense of a "sack" probably means standing up for what you believe in. I started this blog as a way of resistance, to stand up against the government for what I belive. Yet this could only be defined as a virtual sack. I am not out there protesting on the white house lawn and I'm not breaking the laws I don't agree with. But I do stand up for what I belive in my everyday life. I look out for my friends and speak up against those I disagree with. I am not willing to fight for blood over a college football debate, especially since THE Ohio State is the undebatable national champion/hero/leader/ruler/example, etc. But I do stand up and speak up for the things I truly care about. So Nathan P. I DO have a sack in the physical, virtual, and metaphorical sense of the word sack.
As far as being worthless, I have 2 jobs to your 1. I have 3 if you count being a student, and 4 if you count Pablo's which technically I am still on the schedule and contribute a charitable contribution of my time every other Saturday night or so. But does a job or 4 define worth? NO Nathan P., it does not. I would like to think I not only live for myself but also for those around me. I have always said that suicide is the most selfish act a person could undertake, because the "victim" gets off easy, they get to die and end their shitty life. The people around them suffer more, because they are forced to go on in this life without someone they love or at least know. I try for the most part to live my life for those around me as well as myself, because I am not the only person who depends on me. I try to maintain a positive outlook on life and make those around me smile and feel happy whenever I can. I like giving hugs and "luv ya's" to my babies. I'm kind of like a Care Bear except without all that geyness and the whole bear aspect and I don't live in the fuckin' clouds. I live in YOUR world and if I committed suicide some people would be sad. I know my Mom especially would not benefit from my death. Therefore by definition I am of worth, at least to those around me. Because there lives would be affected in a negative way if I died.
So, NPH (which also stands for Nashua Plainfield High) I feel your comment on my blog is unfounded and untrue. If you however feel your virtual sack is big enough then post back and virtually debate me like a virtual man. Or never show your screen name in my virtual world again. This decree is sent forth on the 27th day of the 11th month in the 6th year of the 21st century and shall stand for NPH and all his kin until the end of time or until I quit this meaningless blog or lose internet access via job termination/graduation.
To my critic...What is defined as a sack grown? As far as the anatomical sense, yes I have scrotum that contains my testes. The metaphorical sense of a "sack" probably means standing up for what you believe in. I started this blog as a way of resistance, to stand up against the government for what I belive. Yet this could only be defined as a virtual sack. I am not out there protesting on the white house lawn and I'm not breaking the laws I don't agree with. But I do stand up for what I belive in my everyday life. I look out for my friends and speak up against those I disagree with. I am not willing to fight for blood over a college football debate, especially since THE Ohio State is the undebatable national champion/hero/leader/ruler/example, etc. But I do stand up and speak up for the things I truly care about. So Nathan P. I DO have a sack in the physical, virtual, and metaphorical sense of the word sack.
As far as being worthless, I have 2 jobs to your 1. I have 3 if you count being a student, and 4 if you count Pablo's which technically I am still on the schedule and contribute a charitable contribution of my time every other Saturday night or so. But does a job or 4 define worth? NO Nathan P., it does not. I would like to think I not only live for myself but also for those around me. I have always said that suicide is the most selfish act a person could undertake, because the "victim" gets off easy, they get to die and end their shitty life. The people around them suffer more, because they are forced to go on in this life without someone they love or at least know. I try for the most part to live my life for those around me as well as myself, because I am not the only person who depends on me. I try to maintain a positive outlook on life and make those around me smile and feel happy whenever I can. I like giving hugs and "luv ya's" to my babies. I'm kind of like a Care Bear except without all that geyness and the whole bear aspect and I don't live in the fuckin' clouds. I live in YOUR world and if I committed suicide some people would be sad. I know my Mom especially would not benefit from my death. Therefore by definition I am of worth, at least to those around me. Because there lives would be affected in a negative way if I died.
So, NPH (which also stands for Nashua Plainfield High) I feel your comment on my blog is unfounded and untrue. If you however feel your virtual sack is big enough then post back and virtually debate me like a virtual man. Or never show your screen name in my virtual world again. This decree is sent forth on the 27th day of the 11th month in the 6th year of the 21st century and shall stand for NPH and all his kin until the end of time or until I quit this meaningless blog or lose internet access via job termination/graduation.